The Carers Retreat

For thirty years, Kathy has been a carer for her daughter, Jenna, who has a profound disability. This has prompted her to create The Carers Retreat, a giving back initiative for Carers in Australia. Her experience has taught her that through life’s challenges, there’s always the ability to change, accomplish the possible and enjoy an authentic and passionate life.


Being a carer for 30 years has taught me many things.

Strength, resilience, tolerance, acceptance, unconditional love, compassion, empathy and to accept what I cannot change.

I was a carer 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for 30 years to my beautiful daughter Jenna. It was during through this constant care, that I learnt the lessons and unwavering determination to overcome anything in my way.

I chose to fight and swim, instead of sinking in times where my life felt too overwhelming.

There were times when my life became very fragile. I was exhausted, teary and struggling to overcome my mental illnesses of anxiety, depression, panic attacks, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and perfectionism, which were affecting my everyday life.

During these moments, I remember looking forward to attending a weekend retreat specifically for carers in rural NSW.

These events were held in different towns, however over the course of 30 years, I was fortunate enough to attend 4. There was minimal funds from organisations to support carers in the community and give them the opportunity for a break. It was extremely rare to have a break.

I remember when I was given the opportunity to have the weekend off to attend a carer’s retreat. I was filled with joy and excitement. Although, all the tedious arrangements and check lists that had to be completed before I could leave Jenna with somebody else was stressful. However, the reward of getting time to relax and have fun out weighed the planning. It was a great opportunity to feel myself again away from the pressures of every day life in a carer’s role. I was able to get away from my world that I knew, away from constant care, and I was just able to experience a ‘normal life’ of having the freedom to myself and doing what I needed to do for myself.

Attending these retreats provided the experience of connecting with individuals who understood my situation because it was the world they were living in as well. This allowed me to bond with people who knew how to support me and listen to me. It was a safe place where I could freely express myself without the judgement of others.

I made so many new friends, as well as indulged in a long awaited pampering session of massage, facials, great food and a night out with like minded women. On these weekend we could reflect on our lives and fully support and uplift each other, as strong women do.

Fast forward to today and I am now a retreat facilitator and life coach. I understand the value of retreats more than most.

When thinking of how I could give back to the community as part of my business model and be of service to others there was only one place that my heart could be……supporting carer’s.

To honour, give back, love, care and nurture to all the amazing women…my carer sisters who give so much to others but miss out on other experiences.

Have some fun, laugh, be pampered, enjoy some nice food and other planned activities.

In 2020 I will be running a carer’s retreats in my hometown of Forbes NSW.

My home consists of 6 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms, a large kitchen with 3 open plan living area suitable for many people.

Dates are yet to be announced ……it will be locked in soon… I promise !!!

It feels so good to be able to do this ….I am excited …even as I type this….who would of thought I would be doing this….certainly not me. A few years ago if someone had said to me that I would, I wouldn't have believed them.

It proves to us all that life can change and what seems impossible can be possible, with your will and determination


My life is very different now and yours can be too !!

Looking forward to hearing from carers about this exciting project. Please contact me here.